Earning money whilst remaining in education can be a real motivator to many young people and here at Hartlepool College we understand that and want to help you on your way.
Students that join our college can gain financial support towards their study, dependant on their family income and circumstances, you can find out more about this on our Get The Edge page. Our student advisors also work closely with local employers and share job vacancies in order for you to apply for part time work around your study programme.
Apprenticeships are most definitely the best method to earn whilst you learn. You may have heard lots about apprenticeships but don't really know what they are. We have produced a handy guide to apprenticeships that can be found at the bottom of this page. Alternatively you can go over to our apprenticeship page where you can find a current vacancies list.
We understand that this is a lot to take in so if you have any further queries please dont hesitate to get in touch with one of the apprenticeship team on 01429 404073 or e-mail business@hartlepoolfe.ac.uk