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Below is a list of the most frequently asked questions we often get asked about Apprenticeships, we hope you find them useful. 


Q. If I’m successful in getting an apprenticeship, what will I get paid?

A. Any apprentice in the first year of their apprenticeship, regardless of their age, is entitled to a minimum hourly rate of £6.40. All apprentice rates of pay can be found at

Q. How will you decide on grades from the day release programme in apprenticeships?

A. It depends upon the awarding body. Most coursework, assignments and tests that have been carried out prior to lockdown will contribute towards grades anyway so this will still happen. You would need to get in touch with your Course Tutor to find out the specifics but if you have been working towards your targets successfully then it is likely that you will achieve those grades. If not, your Tutor will be in touch to arrange any alternative online teaching for any rework.

Q. I went to the College’s Big Apprenticeship Event in February and was told to send my CV to companies later in the year. How do I know where to send it?

A. Create an account on the Government’s Find an Apprenticeship website ( This will highlight any opportunities within your region and you can send your CV/apply online. The College will also advertise any current opportunities when they have them, if that’s what the employer requests.

Q. If I’m not successful in gaining an apprenticeship will there be alternative courses available at the College instead?

A. Most definitely! You can visit the College’s website to learn more about the courses on offer. As the College has very strong industry and employer links, organisations often recruit apprentices who are studying on a full time course at the College.

Q. What grades do I need to get onto an apprenticeship?

A. It depends on the type of apprenticeship. If it is an advanced apprenticeship then GCSE grade 4 (or a C from previous years) and above should be enough, if it is an intermediate apprenticeship then slightly lower grades may be adequate. There are no fixed pre-requisite grades as it depends upon the employer and what they are looking for. You could get onto an apprenticeship with slightly lower grades if you interview well and then take extra maths/English lessons when you start your apprenticeship.

Q. Can I progress with my studies after my apprenticeship?

A. Definitely yes! It may be possible to progress from an advanced apprenticeship to a higher or degree apprenticeship. Alternatively there should be a course to progress onto if you wish to further your career. Most employers and providers, particularly colleges would encourage you to do this.

Q. I have already completed an apprenticeship but recently thought about a career change. Can I become an apprentice again?

A. Of course! Apprenticeships start at level two and are available all the way up to level eight (PhD). You are able to progress through all of those levels as long as there is sufficient new learning each time. You have to carry out an initial skills assessment prior to enrolling to an apprenticeship, which takes into account your previous knowledge and experience, if that shows you are eligible for that apprenticeship then you are good to go!


Whatever course you choose, you'll get the highest level of training from specialist tutors, benefiting from their knowledge and experience of working not just in education but also in industry.