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General Location & Parking Facilities

Hartlepool College is located in the centre of Hartlepool, directly on the A689 dual carriageway. The College has extensive on-site parking facilities. Our site postcode is TS24 7NT, but for direct access to our main car park via its main entrance on Huckelhoven Way SatNavs should use TS24 7LB. For bus and rail travel, the College is only three minutes walk from Hartlepool Transport Interchange/Railway Station.

Finding us

HCFE car park map 1

Hartlepool College is located on the A689 (Stockton Street), which directly connects to the A19 from the south or via the A179 from the north.

Travelling to us by Bus or Train

Hartlepool College is well-connected and easy to reach by public transport. Use these tools to plan your journey:

Whether you’re coming from near or far, these tools will help you find the best public transport options to get to Hartlepool College using the postcode TS24 7NT

Disabled Parking is indicated in light blue on the map above in North Car Park (Zone D) and South Car Park (Zone A).

Please note that Zone D (North Car Park) is reserved for commercial service patrons of the Luminary Suite and Flagship Restaurant.

Important Information

The parking bays located on Albert Street adjacent to our north car park and on Tower Street do not belong to the College, and are patrolled by Parking Enforcement.

Please make sure vehicles are secure and valuables are out of sight. The College accepts no liability for any loss or damage.

All College car parks are covered by CCTV.

Accessing and using the South (Main) Car Park

Parking for students and visitors is located in the South Car Park, which is located on Andrew Street off Huckelhoven Way. The car park is divided into two zones.

Zone A contains disabled, motorcycle and pre-arranged Visitor parking. All other bays are assigned to staff who hold paid permits, and should never be used.

Zone C is for general student use, and requires the payment of a fee of £1.50 per visit.

Zone C General Use (unreserved paid parking - £1.50 per visit)

As you stop at the main entrance barrier a console is located on the right hand side of your vehicle. Press the silver button below the word “TICKET” on the left face of the machine to obtain a ticket from the slot.

The barrier will raise only when the ticket is taken from the machine.

Please keep this ticket on your person, do not display it in your vehicle.

HCFE ticket machine

If you cannot find a parking space, the ticket can be used to exit the car park without charge for 10 minutes only from the time of issue. After this, the ticket will need to be paid for.

Please do not block bays or access routes by waiting for a space to become available.

Never park outside of marked bays, on kerbs or on areas painted with chevrons or yellow lines, as these are needed for emergency service vehicle access.

If at any time a barrier fails to raise, immediately use the intercom to contact reception and follow their instructions. Please do not leave your vehicle to seek help.

Zone A Pre-booked Visitors

From the main entrance barrier, travel straight ahead until you reach the barrier to Zone A (slightly to the left as you reach a pedestrian crossing).

Please see the next page for the exact location of our Visitor Bays. These are available only via prior booking with your College contact, and are subject to availability. If a Visitor Bay is required for a visit to the College please ask your contact to organise a reservation in advance.

Zone A Motorcycle and Disabled Parking (unreserved paid parking - £1.50 per visit)

From the main entrance barrier, travel straight ahead until you reach the barrier to Zone A.

Motorcycles can access Zone A via a gap next to the barrier (they must NOT ride down the pedestrian route). The motorcycle parking area is marked on the map on the next page.

Disabled drivers need to use the intercom to gain access via the blue button marked with an “i”. A member of staff will raise the barrier.

Accessing Zone A - please note

As you reach Zone A there are two intercom consoles. Please use the one shown below and not the metal one, as this is not in use for parking.

HCFE car park machine

Exiting the Car Park

When you are ready to leave the car park, a Pay Machine is located in the main atrium on the ground floor, located between the reception desk and the twin lifts. Follow the instructions and, once paid for, your ticket will be reprogrammed to raise the exit barrier.

Please note that you have 10 minutes from the time of reissue, during which time you must leave the car park or another ticket must be purchased.

To exit the car park onto Huckelhoven Way, the barrier machine (identical to the one at the entrance) will only accept tickets that have been redeemed at the Pay Machine. Insert a validated ticket into the slot below the word “TICKET”. The machine will process and return the ticket. The barrier will raise only when the ticket is taken from the machine. Please leave adequate space behind anyone queuing ahead of you to allow them to adjust their position by reversing if necessary.

Other Parking Zones

Zone B (off Tower Street), Zone D (off Albert Street) and the Contractor Parking Area (off Albert Street) are all for registered users only, and unauthorised use is prohibited. See the map on the next page.

Please be aware:

The speed limit within our car parks is 5mph. Please drive slowly and carefully and watch out for cars backing out of bays, and always follow the directions indicated on the roadways by large arrows as a one-way system is in operation.

Be mindful that pedestrian walkways cross the car park. Please park your vehicle completely within bay boundaries.

Tailgating through barriers is completely forbidden, and barriers are set to come down immediately after a single vehicle has passed through.

Using our pre-booked Visitor Bays (V1 to V7)

Car parking map 2

Seven dedicated visitors bays are located in Car Park Zone ‘A’, and these must be pre-booked. Upon arrival at the first barrier (1) press the silver button to be issued a ticket. Take this ticket and proceed to the second barrier (2) where you can use the intercom (“i” button) to speak to reception, giving your name and College contact. You will be allowed entry and will find the reserved spaces immediately to the left behind this barrier, marked in yellow V1 to V7 (3). Park in the bay number you were assigned by your College contact. The College reception (4) is a short distance from the visitor parking area. When you are ready to leave have your car park ticket validated at reception. This can then be used at the exit barrier. As you leave Zone A a barrier will raise automatically for any vehicle exiting Into Zone C. From there the main exit barrier (5) is to the left. Use your ticket to raise it (it will not raise until the ticket is removed).


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