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Target audience 

This course is suitable for anyone who wants to progress on to a career in the technical professional section of construction. This T Level course is designed to support you to develop the skills, knowledge and behaviours needed for the construction sector. Designed by key employers, T Levels are a brand new two year programme choice for school leavers, which ensure you have the skills and knowledge businesses want and prepares you for work, apprenticeships and higher education.

Entry requirements 

Typically, a prospective learner will have five or more GCSEs at grade 5 or above, including Maths and English, and preferably science/technology subjects. Prospective learners will be interviewed by a specialist member of the School of Construction and the Built Environment to assess their suitability.

Course content 

There are three Design, Surveying and Planning for Construction occupational specialisms:

  • Surveying and Design for Construction and the Built Environment
  • Civil Engineering
  • Building Services Design

There are a range of core units in Year 1 covering the knowledge, understanding and application of contexts, concepts, theories and principles relating to the following areas:  Health and Safety, Science in construction, Measurement, Building technology Information and data, Digital technology, Construction mathematical techniques, Design, Construction and the Built Environment industry, Sustainability, Relationship management, Commercial business, Project management and Law.  The core component will be assessed by two exams and an employer set project.  In year 2, learners will study the content of their occupational specialism.  This focuses on relevant knowledge, skills and behaviours framed around practical tasks linked to that specialism.

Typically, learners will learn to analyse and interpret the requirements of a practical task, plan and prepare for the task, perform the task safely and accurately, review and evaluate the outcomes of the task and effectively communicate throughout the task.

Surveying and Design for Construction and the Built Environment

  • Measuring the built environment
  • Analysing the built environment
  • Designing the built environment
  • Verifying the delivery of the built environment

Civil Engineering

  • Analysing civil engineering solutions
  • Designing civil engineering solutions
  • Verifying the delivery of civil engineering solutions

Building Services Design

  • Analysing building services solutions
  • Designing building services solutions
  • Verifying the delivery of building solutions

Learners will study the content of their occupational specialism, focusing on relevant knowledge, skills and behaviours, framed around written tasks linked to that specialism.  Typically, learners will learn to analyse and interpret the requirements of a task, plan and prepare for the task, perform the task safely and accurately, review and evaluate the outcomes of the task and effectively communicate throughout the task.  In addition to classroom-based learning, learners will complete a 45 day industry placement with a locally-based construction company over the course of two years.  This will typically start in January of Year 1.  This will allow learners to put their studies into context and further develop their skills in a real work environment.  As part of learners' continuous development, all will take part in Hartlepool College of Further Education's mandatory tutorial programme.  The tutorial, typically covered in one session per week, will allow learners to interact with their assigned tutor for progress checks and development of beneficial soft skills.

Assessment criteria 

Learners will be formatively assessed throughout the T Level programme, with feedback for development and improvement. Formal summative assessment is by way of exams, project work and practical assignments. The core content covered in Year 1 is assessed by two, 150 minute written exams and a 15.5 hours externally set project completed over a number of days. The occupational specialism content covered in Year 2 is assessed by a single synoptic assessment completed over several days. Students are given a specified time (Surveying and Design for Construction and the Built Environment 30 hours, Civil Engineering 25 hours, Building Services Design 20 hours). Learners must also complete at least 315 hours of industry placement over the course of the 2 years in order to qualify for the T Level. The overall grade of the qualification is graded Pass, Merit, Distinction or Distinction* and is dependent on the grades achieved in the above assessments.


Upon successful completion of this programme of study, learners will hold qualifications that are recognised nationally by further and higher education establishments, as well as employers and other stakeholders.  This will enable them to progress to employment, higher apprenticeships and further study.

This Technical Qualification is intended for students who want to progress to a career in the construction sector, with a focus on Surveying and Design, Civil Engineering or Building Services Design.  Job roles could include:

  • Surveying Technician
  • Civil Engineering Design Technician
  • Digital Engineering Technician
  • Civil Engineering Technician
  • Building Services Engineering Design Technician
  • Architectural Technician
  • Construction Design Co-ordinator
  • Transport Planning Technician
  • Rail Engineering Design Technician

The jobs available to students will be based on their individual abilities in the construction sector and will be supported by their achievement of this qualification.  Alternatively, students could progress sideways to Level 3 Construction Apprenticeships to develop and gain certification of their occupational competence, or they could progress to higher level Apprenticeships such as a Level 4 Construction Site Engineering Technician, Construction Quantity Surveying Technician, Construction Design and Build Technician, Building Services Engineering Technician, Construction Site Supervisor or Acoustics Technician.  Students can also progress on to Level 6: Building Control Surveyor, Building Services Design Engineer, Building Services Engineering Site Management, Chartered Surveyor, Civil Engineer, Civil Engineering Site Management, Construction Quantity Surveyor, Construction Site Manager, Design and Construction Management, Architectural Assistant.

Where students do not have access to an Apprenticeship or would prefer a more academic route, they could progress to relevant Higher National Certificate (HNC) or Higher National Diploma (HND) programmes or construction degree programmes such as Civil Engineering, Construction Management, Construction Surveying, Building Services Engineering, Construction Design and Architecture.


Whatever course you choose, you'll get the highest level of training from specialist tutors, benefiting from their knowledge and experience of working not just in education but also in industry.

Application & Enrolment

You are able to apply online for all courses, however to complete your course enrolment fully, you will need to have an interview and then be accepted onto a course. The only courses available to enrol online are Full Cost courses, if you wish to enrol on any other course please call into Student Services or call 01429 295000.

Full Cost course fees are inclusive of VAT.

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