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Prevent is about safeguarding people from the threat of terrorism. Terrorism covers all forms of extremism, both violent and non-violent and is defined in the national prevent strategy as 'any vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values and covers international and domestic terrorist threats, including the activities of far-right groups and animal rights groups.

Colleges have a vital role to play in protecting students from the risk of extremism and radicalisation. This is underpinned by the Counter-Terrorism & Security Act 2015 which states that Colleges must have 'due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism.'

Hartlepool College of Further Education works closely with communities and partner agencies to safeguard vulnerable individuals from any background who might be at risk from radicalisation.

The Prevent Lead for Hartlepool College is Beth Sinclair (Lead Student Success Coach)


We all have a responsibility to safeguard our employees and protect apprentices against all forms of harm, including being drawn into terrorism.

While it remains extremely rare for people to become involved in terrorist activity, there is a risk that young people can be exposed to extremist influence or prejudiced views at an early age.

Hartlepool College of Further Education has a duty to help others understand the Prevent Strategy and recognise if someone may be involved or is supporting terrorism, and help them to take action and choose a different path for their lives.

Understanding Prevent

The National Prevent Strategy is part of the Government’s counter-terrorism strategy – CONTEST. It addresses all forms of terrorism and is designed to tackle the problem at its roots, preventing people from supporting or becoming involved in terrorism.

Prevent has three clear objectives:

  • Challenging the ideology that supports terrorism and those who promote it.
  • Protecting vulnerable individuals to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism and ensure that they are given appropriate advice and support.
  • Supporting sectors and institutions where there are risks of radicalisation.

Employer Responsibilities

As an employer you will need to:

  • Ensure online safety and safeguarding measures as mentioned above are put into practice.
  • Alert to any concerns you may have around radicalism and extremism.

Staying Safe and being Healthy

The College strives to maintain a healthy, safe and productive environment free from discrimination and harassment, whether based on race, colour, religion, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, national origin, genetics, disability age or any other factors that are unrelated to HCFE’s legitimate business interests. HCFE will not tolerate sexual advances or comments, religious slurs or jokes, or any other conduct that creates or encourages an offensive or intimidating work environment.

Other prohibited conduct, because of its adverse impact on the work environment, includes the following:

  • Threats of violent behaviour
  • Possession of weapons of any type
  • Use, distribution, sale or procession of illegal drugs or any other controlled substance, except for approved medicine purposes

If you believe, you or a colleague are a victim of prohibited workplace conduct, report it straight away to your manager or a College member of staff.

Raising concerns when not feeling safe

Hartlepool College expects all our partners and stakeholders to report any potential wrongdoing. If you are aware of or suspect a violation of any unethical conduct please report this matter to our Lead Student Success Coach or designated person. 



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