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Covid 19 Update for Students

Covid 19 Update

COVID 19 Update - 04.01.2021

Happy new year to you all. After recent announcements from Government, our return to College will be slightly different this year. Please read below the important information.

All teaching and learning will be taught remotely for the weeks beginning the 4th and 11th of January except for:

  • Learners that have pre-arranged exams in January
  • Learners that cannot access remote learning from home (These learners should contact the WARMs team )

*There may be specific cases where learner groups will be brought back into College. In these instances, your tutor will contact you

Instructions for students:

  • Follow timetable as normal but via Microsoft TEAMS (your teacher will create calendar invites where they do not already exist)
  • For English and maths lessons for the week of 4th January – Please complete the assigned work on Canvas, your teacher will be available via Microsoft TEAMS chat for support.
  • For English and maths lessons for the week of 11h January – Lessons will be taught in your allocated slot via Microsoft TEAMS.
  • For practical sessions  – your tutor will assign you additional work and be available at the allocated time ,via Microsoft TEAMS, to support with this work
  • Please note – all industry placements and work experience are suspended until the week beginning 18th January
  • Programme tutors will be in touch shortly to ensure all students are aware of the plans

Please be reminded that our wonderful support staff are on hand, should you need it. Please contact your WARM via the email above or student services via the chat function of the website.

Despite the changes to delivery for the overwhelming majority of our community we still need to keep track of those that have tested positive and/or are self-isolating. If you fall into one of these categories please could you email as soon as possible.

Thank you for your continued support.



Whatever course you choose, you'll get the highest level of training from specialist tutors, benefiting from their knowledge and experience of working not just in education but also in industry.

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